Archives September 2024

Small Business Email Challenges

Let?s face it there are not many days that go by that we don?t send or receive an email, in fact it is estimated that there is 35 billion emails generated every business day (data from IDC).

It?s easy to understand why, you can send an email to the other side of the world and within seconds it’s there. Email is ubiquitous it can be sent from any device to any device and these days anywhere and anytime. We receive emails from prospective customers, email’s from our web site, emails from suppliers, email’s to new and existing customers and the list goes on and on.

So with all these emails how is small business managing?

Having spoken to numerous small businesses the answers are usually the same:

Too Many, Can?t Manage, Can?t Find and Cant? Cope!

In detail the problems are:

  1. Email is stored in individual mail accounts; it is difficult to access everybody?s.
  2. Constantly searching inbox and sent items, it?s difficult to find a specific one.
  3. Too many to respond to. Email is becoming more and more formal.
  4. It’s difficult for multiple staff to serve the same customer.

The above problems have led to numerous business bandaid solutions such as word documents and excel spreadsheets that we store as email templates and constantly edit, copy and paste. Group email folders to store team emails, public folders even customer folders. In fact some businesses spend more time managing emails as appose to reading and replying.

If we also compound Faxes, SMS, Letters and Voice Mail it becomes a messaging nightmare. So how can small business manage? Because of these and many other reasons 3G Business CRM was founded. 3G Business CRM – ?big business technology for small business budgets!?

3G Business CRM combined with the 3GB Messaging Engine is unique and the only platform that provides you both Function/Department based messaging and Data Base Integrated Unified Messaging. (1 single platform for EMAIL, FAX, SMS and Voice Mail).

This means:

  1. Emails are automatically sent and received within the customer, partner or supplier data base file
    ? Access all emails sent from anybody within your organisation to a customer and from a customer to anybody within your organisation.
  2. Sent and received emails (+ the attachments) are automatically attached and stored directly in the customer file.
    ? No searching and moving of emails.
  3. Database Integrated Unified Messaging (DIUM)- Ability to create email, fax, sms and letter templates with dynamic database fields.
    ? Allows for auto generated personalised messages at the click of 1 button
  4. all sent and received mesages are automatically stored within each customer, partner or supplier data base file

Automate your business whilst maximising business efficiency, customer relationships and company profits.